Principles for Giving. Hebrews 7:4-10
Half way through Chapter 5 of Hebrews the writer tells the church he can’t tell them anything more about Melchizedek because they are not listening. He says they are lazy, not growing, and in danger of becoming hardhearted. After these rebukes and warnings the writer is ready to tell us more of the significance of Melchizedek.
In my message this Sunday I will mine some more truths from the character of Melchizedek which are a picture of Jesus. I will talk about the role of the priest, and what it means to us for Jesus to be our King of Righteousness and the King of Peace. I will also bring a fresh thought on why there is no genealogy for Melchizedek and a surprising application for us.
As we start the New Year if this message doesn’t bless and encourage you, I don’t know what will!
The evening service will be available on YouTube Monday morning. I know that whether you join us in person or online you are going to be blessed.
Trinity church building has level access. Please use the side entrance, up the path to the left of bus stop shelter.
For those unable to attend a recording of the meeting will be available on YouTube the following Monday.
If you wish to give to the church you can do so using the following link. You do not have to download the app if you do not wish to do so!