Prayer requests
Prayer is vital to the life of our church. Do you have any concerns you would like us to pray about? You can share your prayer requests at any time by calling Pastor Sharp at 07472773243, or emailing
Your prayer request will be given to our prayer team, who will pray for the issue on your behalf. You don't even have to tell us who you are or anything specific about the people your prayer request deals with. Your prayer request will be dealt with respectfully, and anonymously if you wish.
If you would like us to respond to your prayer request directly, or wish us to pray with you, please leave your details so that Pastor Sharp can contact you.
Prayer Chain
The prayer chain exists so that we can quickly communicate urgent prayer needs amongst us. Prayer requests can be rung through to Pastor Ian (07472773243) and a SMS text can be sent within minutes to prayer chain participants.
If you would like to receive prayer texts please give your SMS enabled telephone number to Ian. You can also opt for prayer information by e-mail.